حقوق نسواں کے بارے میں تعلیمات قرآنی پر مستشرق منٹگمری واٹ اور رابرٹ اسپنسر کی آراء

Women’s Rights in Quran and views of Orientalists: Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer’s Views


  • Tariq Aziz Doctoral Candidate, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha
  • Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Manj Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha


Allah Almighty has created both men and women without subordination of one another. Islam has ensured gender equality and women’s rights in every sphere of their life. Islam has guaranteed rights of men and women in an equal degree and there is no discrimination between men and women. But Western scholars have tried to raise doubts about these rights in their interpretations of the Quran. There are some misconceptions prevailing in the west regarding women’s rights in Islam. They try to prove that women are backward and oppressed by their religion. William Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer make great mistake in their Quran commentaries to presume that all conduct and practices of a Muslim are connected to Islam. The prime object of this study is to pick out how rights of women are ensured in Islam. This study concludes that Quran assures all types of rights to women and provides a high status to women. This research is actually qualitative in nature and analytical method is also used in this research. Data has been collected from Holy Qur’an exegesis, Hadith, various books and journals. This research finds that Islam does not deprive the women rather ensuring proper rights, dignity and status. This study will open a new avenue for scholars who will be able to contribute their knowledge and wisdom to ensure the position of women as given in Islam.

Key Words: Watt, Spencer,Quran, Orientalists, Women’s Rights.





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