المأساة في الأدب القديم والحديث

The art of Tragedy in Greek and Modern literature


  • Dr. Kausar Arshad Assistant Professor, Arabic Department National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


This article discusses tragedy in both ancient and modern literature. The tragedy is addressed by scholars and researchers, and it has a close relationship with the art of plays, the stories and the novels etc. The tragedy is mentioned in Aristotle's books, and it was initiated by the disciples of Dethormbos ​​and then Petraeus laid a foundation of its competitions and as far as the Greek tragedy is concerned, the most prominent name of Thespis there. The art of tragedy became an independent art in the fifth century. This research dealt with choir’s works and three types of tragedy, and then this research revolves around tragic works in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and their prominent works in the field of tragedy.

Key Words: Tragedy; Aristotle; Modern Literature; Independent Art; Prominent Work





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