صاحب ہدایہ ؒ پر ابن ابی العز الحنفیؒ کے اعتراضات کا تحقیقی جائزہ (فرائض وضوء سے متعلق مسائل کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

An overview on the objections of Ibn Abiliz Alhanafi on the book of Hidaya


  • Hafiz Zulfiqar Shah Theology Teacher in Govt Middle School Sarahdna, Haripur
  • Dr.Muhammad Irfan Lecturer Bacha Khan Medical Collage, Mardan



Ali –Bin Ali –Bin Abi-Alez Alhanafi was born in Damascus in 1331 AD. He was a great Sufi and Islamic scholar. He was a prominent philosopher and great jurist. While studying Alhidaya (a compiled juristic and Hanafi school of thought book) he found some places which were objectionable according to his sight. He just pointed out those places and took firm determination to search a good solution for those places. He didn’t find a chance to do so and died in 842 AD.

The total objectionable places accedes two thousand. In this article only four places will be observed. First his text will be mentioned then I will translate that text. The objectionable place will be observed in the light of anatomies given by the jurists and then I will explain my personal view upon that objection with conclusion. While taking overview on the objectionable place it will be observed that every objection should be read with all angles and should be read in the light of other jurists’ opinions. In this article only four places will be mentioned in this method.

Key words: Philosopher, determination, anatomies.







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