أساليب الترجمة عند فيني وداربلني وأهدافها

Methodologies of Translation according to Vinay and Darbelnet and their objectives


  • Muhammad Khurram Shahzad PhD Scholar, Arabic Department National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Dr. Lubna Farah Assistant Professor/ Director, Translation & Interpretation Department National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


This article is an attempt to highlight the methodologies being applied during the translation. Starting with a short introduction, seven methods are presented according to Jean Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet (the famous French linguists plus translation studies expert). These seven methods are: Borrowing, Calque, and Word for word, Substitution, Modulation, Equivalence and Adaptation. Each one of these methods has been explained with examples. Some of these methods are supported by famous translators like New Mark, Mounin G. Nida etc. The kinds of each methodology also discussed according to their importance in the required places.

Key Words: Translation, Terminologies, Vinay, Darbelnet





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