صورة مكة المكرمة في شعر طاهر الزمخشري

Image of Makkah in the poetry of Tahir Zamakhshri


  • Arslan Zareef Qureshi PHD Scholar department of Arabic, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Amanullah Rana Assistant professor Department of Arabic, NUML Islamabad


       This Article has a study of  locative of tahir poet accordingly, through linking the locative to the poet script that contracted the locatives since era to the new era with Tahir Zamakhshri, so we have presented the relation between the poet and the makkah al mukaramah in the Arabic abstraction, and that is a highbred history of poetry renewal of what have been lost of it.Then I have continued the article  about the importance of the locative in the Saudi poetry and we have reached to the exclusively  that it has honoured.

Makkah is the best known religious city in the world today. Because of its function as the center of an essential Islamic duty, the hajj, or pilgrimage, wich is incumbent on every muslim, man and women, once in their lifetime.

Keyword: Image of Makkah in the poetry of Tahir Zamakhshari

