مفتاح السعادہ از طاش کبرٰی "میں تفسیر القرآن کا جائزہ

Review of Quranic Interpretation in Miftah Al-Saada by Tash Kubra


  • Prof. Dr. Naseer Ahmad Akhtar Chairman Department of Islamic Studies, the University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr.HM Azhar Usama Dr.HM Azhar Usama Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, the University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan


This article contains a large collection of discussions on Miftah al-Saada's commentary on the Qur'an. The research style of this article is narrative and qualatative, in which the meaning and significance of tafsir and the need and importance, the literal meaning of tafsir tawil and the difference between tafsir and tawil, knowledge The Necessity and Virtue of Tafsir Kabyan, the literal and terminological meaning of Tafsir Tawil and the difference between Tafsir and Tawil. Topics mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith that are directly related to our daily lives or our beliefs, if they are described on such a research standard, the differences that arise in our sects, society can be reduced, and scholars there will be harmony from the point of view of the commentators. Using this article will create new ways in understanding the sciences of the Qur'an.

Keywords: Introduction, Miftah Al-Saada, Tash Kubra, Interpretation, Scriptuers




