التأصيل الشرعي للتسويق الشبكي:دراسة فقهية تطبيقية لشركة "تائنز" نموذجًا

Shariah Appraisal of Multi-Level Marketing: an applied jurisprudential study of the Tiens Company as a model


  • د.عبد الكريم عثمان أستاذ مساعد بكلية الشريعة والقانون، الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية ، إسلام أباد،باكستان
  • نصير أحمد طالب مرحلة الدكتوراه في كلية العلوم الإسلامية،جامعة عبد الولي خان، مردان


Marketing  is very important toll for improvement of any business today, due to the proper way of marketing  even useless products  can be sold out very easily ,that is way all marketing companies try to bring up new ideas of marketing . Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a new concept of marketing and businesses transaction, where the company builds clients and give many bonus to everyone who is coming up in the network.  For example:  “A” person brings “B”. Then “B” brings “C”, then “C” brings “D”. Here, the commission is paid to “A”,”B” too along with “C”, even though the client was brought in by only “C”. These models are not sustainable and usually used to get more number of customers or subscribers etc.However, from the aspect of consumerism, various issues in MLM have been arisen by contemporary Muslim Jurists.

 This paper will focus- insha Allah - on controversial Shariah issues regarding MLM such as having two contracts in one transaction (بيعتان في بيعة), excessive and immoderate pricing, bonus and others. It would also will provide guidelines on contemporary Islamic transactions system, thus assisting future Muslim consumers in differentiating, as well as choosing MLM products that are Shariah compliant. Recommendations of a Shariah compliant MLM model would also be included in this paper .Insha Allah Ta’ala


Keywords: Multi-level marketing (MLM), Shariah status of Tines, Islamic Business





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