The Qur’anic Approach towards Human Guidance

ہداىتِ انسانى کا قرآنى اسلوب سورۃ العصر کى روشنى میں تجزىاتی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Irum Sultana National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


Book of Guidance, social affairs, ethics, responsibility, society affairs, comprehensive


The purpose of this research is to acquaint the misguided and heedless people with the Book of Guidance of Allah Almighty. The method used for the research was descriptive and standard. A review of the literature reveals that the heavenly book is an excellent guide to human life. All the principles of life, rituals of worship, social affairs, ethics, etc. are present in the Quran. Research has shown that there is no guidance except the Book of Allah. Then why are Muslims going astray today? We must contemplate over it. There is a need for every Muslim to study the Holy Qur'an with the same sense and responsibility that this divine book is a perfect guide for human life. The Qur'an is the only book of Allah, which does not belong to any particular class, nation or race, but is the guarantor of the growth and guidance of all mankind. This is the complete way of life, whose eternity and universality will never decay, if the human caravan is moving on a path other than this, and then it is sure to get lost from the straight path and will prove its divine seal on its destruction. Surah Al-Asr is the surah in which Allah Almighty has summarized the guidance of the Holy Qur'an. The Surah alone is enough to motivate in actions such as invitation and guidance and encourages perseverance in these matters.

Author Biography

Dr. Irum Sultana, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, NUML, Islamabad


حوالہ جات

۔ سورة البقرۃ:2/185

۔ سورة البقرۃ:2/2

۔ سورة النمل:27/2

۔ سورة لقمان :31/3

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۔ سورة السجده:32/ 24

۔ سورة الدهر:76/ 3

۔ سورة التغابن:64/11

۔ سورة يونس:10/ 9

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۔ سورة ال عمران:3/185

۔ سورة الحجرات:49/ 15

۔ سورة حم السجدہ :41/ 30۔31

۔ سورة العنکبوت :29/2۔3

۔ سورة آل عمران:3/110

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۔ سورة الحشر:59/21

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